
Most of the laptops comes with a better quality speakers by default. There are many laptops in the market with great sound systems like JBL, DOLBY etc built-in and most of them are high end laptops with little higher price tag as well.
Since the selfie bug bit thousands of photography enthusiasts worldwide, the demand for selfie sticks has remained high in many offline and online stores. While we have wide range of sticks available today to choose from, it will be tricky to select the right one for you. These are the 5 best selfie sticks in India, 2015.

Believe me, you are losing some money and missing lot of great deals available for you, if you are not using this outstanding browser extension yet! Comparehatke is one of the must have add-on for your desktop browser, if you are an online shopper and a smart buyer.

Clocks are the oldest and one of the most useful inventions of human ever made. Even though the main job of a clock is telling time, most of us purchase and uses wall clocks for the decorative purposes also.

Did you ever clean your Smartphone, tablet or laptop? Most of us clean our gadgets regularly while some even doesn’t bother about it! It is not a big task to clean your devices, but we must be aware about the right and wrong ways in cleaning an
electronic device.

Ultra-Bright-USB-LED-Lamp-Laptop-Keyboard-Mini-Night-Light-Electronic-Gadget-For-NotebookIt frustrates when we have some works to do late night on laptop and our tired eyes making the job more difficult. Plus, if the keyboard is black - the usual color - and it isn't backlit, you probably can't see the keys well enough to type, we usually ends up on

Still using those normal pen holders on your table? Replace your old and boring pen holders from your table with this cool and artistic bottle holder which can also be used as a pen holder. Gift yourself with this artistic work of poly resin, and add a bit of humor to your table also!